Get started with ONNX Runtime Web



Use the following command in shell to install ONNX Runtime Web:

# install latest release version
npm install onnxruntime-web

# install nightly build dev version
npm install onnxruntime-web@dev


Use the following JavaScript code to import ONNX Runtime Web:

// use ES6 style import syntax (recommended)
import * as ort from 'onnxruntime-web';
// or use CommonJS style import syntax
const ort = require('onnxruntime-web');

If you want to use ONNX Runtime Web with WebGPU support (experimental feature), you need to import as below:

// use ES6 style import syntax (recommended)
import * as ort from 'onnxruntime-web/webgpu';
// or use CommonJS style import syntax
const ort = require('onnxruntime-web/webgpu');

If you want to use ONNX Runtime Web with WebNN support (experimental feature), you need to import as below:

// use ES6 style import syntax (recommended)
import * as ort from 'onnxruntime-web/experimental';
// or use CommonJS style import syntax
const ort = require('onnxruntime-web/experimental');

For a complete table for importing, see Conditional Importing.


See ONNX Runtime JavaScript API for API reference. Please also check the following links for API usage examples:

See Tutorial: Web for tutorials.

See Training on web demo for training using onnxruntime-web.


The following examples describe how to use ONNX Runtime Web in your web applications for model inferencing:

The following are E2E examples that uses ONNX Runtime Web in web applications:

The following are video tutorials that use ONNX Runtime Web in web applications:

Supported Versions

EPs/Browsers Chrome/Edge (Windows) Chrome/Edge (Android) Chrome/Edge (macOS) Chrome/Edge (iOS) Safari (macOS) Safari (iOS) Firefox (Windows) Node.js
WebAssembly (CPU) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️[1]
WebGPU ✔️[2] ✔️[3] ✔️
WebGL ✔️[4] ✔️[4] ✔️[4] ✔️[4] ✔️[4] ✔️[4] ✔️[4]
WebNN ✔️[5]
  • [1]: Node.js only support single-threaded wasm EP.
  • [2]: WebGPU requires Chromium v113 or later on Windows. Float16 support requires Chrome v121 or later, and Edge v122 or later.
  • [3]: WebGPU requires Chromium v121 or later on Windows.
  • [4]: WebGL support is in maintenance mode. It is recommended to use WebGPU for better performance.
  • [5]: Requires to launch browser with commandline flag --enable-features=WebMachineLearningNeuralNetwork.